Newsletter PTBRiO nr 76

Call for Speakers for the CEE Research Forum 2014

The Eastern European countries, while preserving their own identities, have become more (inter)connected to Western Europe and the rest of the world thanks to new technologies and social media developments. Borders are vanishing in the digital space where hyper-connected consumers are on the rise.

So, just how different (and similar) is the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region in comparison to the rest of the world? How is market research playing a pivotal role in breaking boundaries and facilitating a new cultural, and business mindset for the region?

ESOMAR is proud to host the third edition of our CEE Research Forum in beautiful Bucharest. Gain exclusive access to business case studies, innovative research methodologies, regional country findings and top-level masterclasses.

The Call for Speakers for the CEE Research Forum 2014 is now open. We encourage innovative and insightful proposals from around the world which focus on three different thematic spectrums:

The CEE Research Forum is a day-and-a-half regional event that stimulates in-depth discussion on strategic business concerns as well as specific research techniques and practices. The forum provides a unique 'listen & learn' setting for professionals in the region, in addition to researchers and marketers with a keen interest in what Central and Eastern Europe have to offer.